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CY CHC - Professional Engagement, Training and Education

CY CHC helped provide a population data laboratory by linking data and creating unique opportunities for research and improvement projects.

The team used the Born in Bradford birth cohort study and the region-wide linked health and wellbeing datasets. Locally, Bradford is the 6th largest city in the UK and holds unique connected data and informatics potential.

In recent years Bradford has collaborated closely with academic partners from the University of Leeds and the University of York to establish data linkage across primary and secondary care and local government. Nearly 30,000 mothers, fathers and children in the Born in Bradford birth cohort study data have had their records linked and extensively validated across primary care, hospital, community (health visitors and school nurses), laboratory, radiology and more recently education records. This was built on their experience in the £50 million Better Start Bradford programme to expand coverage to 50,000 Bradfordians and test how data linkage can support tailored and effective interventions in early childhood.

Focussing on linked health and wellbeing datasets, significant professional stakeholder engagement was carried out involving 86 GP practices, three CCGs, three Trusts, two local authorities, and charity organisations in the Bradford area. Active liaison and engagement activities were carried out with the clinicians, and general practitioners, the Local Medical Committee (LMC), senior management as well as other key professionals. A number of steps were followed to ensure that there were regular feedback processes as the draft data sharing agreement was reviewed and updated. This included setting up a governance group with representation from each of the data providers, citizen representation and the CCG Data Protection Officer. In addition, discussions on the data sharing agreement took place with the ICO to inform them of the projects that were underway.

The organisations involved in addition to the GP practices are Bradford City & Districts and Airedale Wharfedale & Craven CCGs, Bradford Teaching Hospitals, Airedale Hospitals, Bradford District Community Trust, Bradford Council, North Yorkshire County Council, Sue Ryder and Marie Curie. All the organisations consented to share pseudonymised data for the programme. This resulted in 100% of the individual data sharing agreements being signed by all the 86 GP Practices.


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